
4 Weeks to 15 Months

There are 2 Infant classrooms here at Rainbow Kids.

Our classroom ratios in the Infant Room are 2 teachers to 7 children or 1 teacher to 3 children.

The Infant Room is set up with many activity areas and equipment that provide sensory stimulation for your baby. There is also a curriculum in the classrooms that include early literacy, fine and gross motor skills, communication skills, and more! The infant room works with the schedule of the infant and slowly transitions the older infants' schedule to be able to work with the toddlers' schedule to make for an easy transition. This is crucial for all of the ever-changing stages of development your baby goes through.

Our staff is sensitive to the needs of each infant and takes great care to accommodate each baby's individual daily schedule, referencing parent notes to staff and providing notes to parents about their child's day. We provide a daily sheet as the form of communication about the infant's day- on the form you can find things such as the infant's bottles, meals, diaper changes, nap times, notes, etc.  Parents can call during the day to check on their baby, use our center's app- Procare, or come by and visit anytime with our open-door policy. Nursing mothers are always more than welcome to visit and feed the baby if the mom’s daily schedule allows for it.

The Infant schedules and routines are ran the same between the two rooms.

Infant 1

Infant 2

Classroom Introduction and Schedule

Infant Bio.pdf
infant schedule.pdf
New Infant supply list.pdf

This is a typical schedule that we use in the Infant Classroom. We cater to the needs of the infants as they are on individualized schedules. Over time we start to merge their individual schedule to the center's schedule to help transition them to be prepared when they transition to the toddler rooms.

Here is a suggested list of what to bring for when you infant starts daycare. 

**Rainbow Kids supply bibs, utensils, and crib sheets**